Corporate Social Responsibility
We recognize this responsibility with our head high.

Good deeds to benefit those who were not so lucky.
In 2005, in co-operation with Jágr Team, we co-founded the charitable unincorporated association called Good Deed (Dobrý skutek in Czech), which enables us to provide targeted aid to those who, largely due to health related complications, have found themselves in an unfortunate life situation and have become dependent on the help of others. This includes people from different age groups, with various disabilities, and quite often also cases outside of media attention. “Clients of Good Deed” include minors, adults (particularly parents of children), as well as elderly people.
Resources to cover this charitable activity are raised through online donations, events organized jointly with Broker Consulting, as well as financial donations by Broker Consulting co-operators and employees.
Anyone who decides to help those in need may select the recipient of his/her financial donation and check the flow of the donated funds in the Good Deed’s transparent account.
Furthermore, we support Good Deed by funding its overhead expenses, providing computing technology, office space, services of the legal, marketing and economic departments, as well as by financial donations. Thanks to that, all donations can be completely reallocated among the people in need.
The patrons of Good Deed are Lucie Křížková-Váchová (Miss CR 2003), Jaromír Jágr (one of the world’s best ice hockey players of all times) and Ilona Křížková (creative manager at Krašovská Aktivity Centrum).
If you are able to (and would like to) help as well, please visit
We appreciate all the help we can get.

Increasing Financial Literacy as a Prevention
Since 2011, we have been actively supporting the activities of the nongovernmental non-profit organization of ABC of Financial Education (ABC Finančního vzdělávání in Czech), which is dedicated to bringing education to schools, businesses, as well as the general public.
Why do we believe that it is of great importance? An ever increasing number of households get into financial difficulties due to insufficient knowledge and the lack of understanding when it comes to personal and family finances. Falls into debt traps and personal bankruptcies are on the rise. Using their experience, our company instructors, oftentimes from the ranks of Broker Consulting co-operators, are able to help increase general awareness about the patterns of administering a family budget, patterns of the financial market, as well as the functioning of basic financial products.
How are we able to do that? For example, in 2019 the ABC of Financial Education organized a total of 100 educational events that were attended by thousands of teens, hundreds of adults and scores of experts. Are you interested in booking this type of education for your school or your company, too? For additional information go to
Also the FinGR Play on-line game, which was developed by the ABC of Financial Education experts, contributes to the same goal of increasing financial literacy, but in a fun form. The players become virtual trustees for a family budget for a period of 30 years, they enter the world of personal finances and test their own abilities to manage money. Would you like to give it a try, too? The game is freely available (after registering) at Good luck!